Friday, August 18, 2006

News from home... and away

D. announced yesterday that she too is planning on going back to school, after I get back from the U.K. She's applying for her PhD at the European Graduate School, where her doctorate will be in Media & Communications. Talk about too cool for school: the faculty includes Catherine Breillat, Peter Greenaway, David Lynch, Volker Schlondorff, DJ Spooky and John Waters, among others. D. says that when she's done I will have to refer to her as Doctor Baby.

Fortunately for us most of the work can be done via distance ed., but she will need to go there for a few weeks in the summer. What a pity... having to go to Switzerland for a few weeks a year .

On a related note, D. also heard some great news from her agent the other day regarding one of her feature film scripts, involving a well-known production company. Stay tuned for updates on that one. Meanwhile the second draft of her novel is coming along quite nicely.

Great to see cousin John, literally, on the tube via the Web. Turns out he's coaching a unique rugby team for disabled students whose funding has dried up, and they need help. Check out the story, and send them some love and help. John's in New Zealand, by the way...

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