Saturday, September 30, 2006

Jim's blog

If there's one surefire way to spoil a perfectly good bad mood, it's with good news. So allow me to blow a little sunshine up your nether regions for a change, since (a) I temporarily have internet connectivity back (though for how long, I don't know) and (b) I am temporarily able to access my e-mail (ditto).

The main positive development of which I write is Jim Harris's blog, which I gather made its debut recently. Having been out of the country for some weeks now and having been out of the political loop for even longer, I didn't know the esteemed former leader of the Green Party (and respected business writer & guru) had taken to the blogosphere. But there he is: I strongly suggest you check it out. Frequently.

I have a lot of time for Jim. Among other things he's an eminently reasonable and thoroughly sensible man which, considering our current political climate, might seem to disqualify him for public office. But he certainly did a lot to raise the profile of the GPC, to say nothing of a commensurate amount of funding (etc.), and thus he deserves props (as the kids say). I was deeply saddened to see him step down as leader but stuff happens, things change, and on we move. Anyway, whatever he might have to say through the medium of his blog I'm sure will be entertaining, informative, thought-provoking, or all of the above.

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