Friday, December 01, 2006

Depression II

This entry's title is 'Depression II' because the first draft was too depressing to publish. So here's a shorter excerpt:

There can be no doubt that I am depressed. I mean a seriously feel like buying a 26-ouncer of tequila and drinking the whole fucking thing before lunch kind of depressed.

Fuck it, I can't even finish the short version.

1 comment:

Postmodern Sass said...

This is just a wild guess but is it possibly because you find yourself thousands of miles away from home and everyone you love, in a foreign country that is very nice but at the end of the day is still foreign; where you are working on a high pressure academic project that requires every brain cell to operate at peak performance 24/7; you're calling on sections of both your right brain and left brain that have lain dormant for years; you're doing all this surrounded by perky, chirpy , idealistic people half your age who have no realistic concepts about life whatsoever because they've never been fired, dumped, or otherwise fucked up by anyone. And to top it all of, way in the back there, in the deepest darkest recesses, lies this sneaking suspicion (from Post Secret)?

What a drag, dude. Sorry, I can't relate at all.