I was going to title this post
A Villa in Portugal after the song by The Pursuit of Happiness (which eerily came up on the infamously non-random iTunes just moments ago), but then that would set a dangerous precedent -- for me, anyway.
Postmodern Sass has it down to an art, pardon the pun, and that's why I don't want to get caught up in that game. For one thing, it's not original. For another, I'd be horribly embarrassed if I couldn't think of a lyric that was at least somewhat tangentially related to the topic of the day's post, so that's a risk I'd rather not take. But I digress, as usual.
Without further ado here is the titular photographic evidence of our recent holiday to France, Spain and Portugal. I may throw a little commentary in, but that would make it even longer, and I know all you want to do is look at the pictures anyway. so I'll just shut up and interject only when absolutely necessary to give a bit of helpful perspective.
We'll start, as the trip itself, in Paris... what could be more Parisian than l'arc de Triomphe? See, it's a lot bigger than you might think...

OK, wait, Blogger is doing strange things to the layout... ah, that's better... I think. Now where were we? Oh yes, Paris. Here's the Eiffel Tower at night (see below), and
here is a rather psychedelic movie of the lights "twinkling" at night, which should open with QuickTime if your machine doesn't automagically select it... depending on your connection speed it may take a minute or two to download. That's D. narrating (volume warning).
And now Blogger is doing funky things to the layout again... grrrr... wish I was a better code-monkey, I'd fix it good... Oh, screw it. It's past midnight anyway and I've got to go to bed, so I'm going to sign off and hope it gets fixed by the morning...
bonne soiree, mes amis.
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