Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Check-up check-in

Apparently it was (Canadian) Thanksgiving on Monday. I had no idea, even though it's sufficiently well documented on my Western Canada Wilderness Committee calendar. That's how out of touch I am about stuff at home. I am culturally adrift. (Not that Thanksgiving was ever such a big deal, but... you know.)

Had to take a couple of days off blogging because I was feeling unwell most of Sunday and Monday. As it happened I was scheduled for my NHS reg appointment on Monday AM anyway, and we -- that is, the examining physician and I -- think it's mostly down to (a) stress, but more likely (b) my need for proper glasses, and/or (c) some combination of the above. Which is a bugger, because I need to do a LOT of reading and writing for my program. A total of 16 or 18 documents (an average of 3,500 words each), including two exams, and that's just for the first term! I spent the first half of today just cataloguing all the assignments, and trying to make sense of a work flow and schedule. (It's still not complete.)

The glasses I can probably manage. I have no idea how much it costs to be examined by an optometrist, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough. The stress may be another matter entirely. I guess all I can do is exercise, stop thinking about all the work ahead of me, and just take one day at a time. Maybe meditate. Breathe.

Speaking of which, I'm dropping my dosage for my asthma medication. I'm now down to one dose per day. I'm going to see if I can wean myself right off it, at least until I get home. Of course winter hasn't yet kicked in here so it's still remarkably dry & warm here (it's nearing midnight as I write, I've got the windows wide open, and I'm sitting in shorts and a T-shirt). I'll see how I feel when things start to get cool & damp.

But for the moment I'm going to stop blogging for other medical reasons. I'm sick of reading and writing.

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