Saturday, December 02, 2006


I now call it a recession because apparently it's not a full-blown depression. Not that I'm well out of it now; I'm still feeling quite low. If I have the strength I might outline the reasons for the depression/recession later. If.

The fact that I'm feeling somewhat better today I attribute to (in no particular order):
  • an improvement in the weather;
  • spending last night reading Pema Chodron's When Things Fall Apart, which I picked up for a colleague whose best friend in the U.S. just killed himself, and whose London friend is clinging to life in a London hospital casualty ward after an accident;
  • sleeping in 'til 10:00 AM this morning (which is not as great a feat as you might imagine, as I will explain momentarily);
  • taking myself out to see Casino Royale last night (yes, it's as good as they say; despite my skepticism Daniel Craig makes a convincing Bond); and
  • today's retail therapy session that culminated in the belated purchase of Cat Power's The Greatest, which is as good a CD for depression as you could want. Play it as you read this, because I've got it on now and it'll give you the feel for the way things are 'round here.
On second thought I don't really want to go into the reasons I'm feeling so depressed, if only because I'm not sure I've really grasped them all. And thinking about them only made me more depressed again.

Okay, I'd better stop now.


Postmodern Sass said...

This will cheer you up, I swear. Because I know it drives you around the bend when people say "mute point," too.

Danika Dinsmore said...

postmodern, that's classic.

i love "it just donged on me"

and the use of pus jewel just gets my dandruff up.