Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Of vital importance

Rx is still in effect:

  1. My e-mails may not be getting through to you. Some bastard(s) is/are spoofing my e-mail address and I have been blocked by some, though fortunately not all, ISPs and their spam filters. If you have been expecting to hear from me but haven't, please ask your ISP whether my domain -- and in particular my e-mail address -- is being blocked. Fortunately my domain host has put an SPF in place so hopefully that should limit the problem, but meantime the damage is done.
  2. Chances are one of you out there has a faulty firewall and/or a trojan, worm, virus or other problem with your computer, and it is being hijacked as a spam-slave. Please download and run Spybot and have your anti-virus updated & run immediately.
  3. Because it's been raining a lot over the last 2 days or so, Westminster halls' "service" provider Digital Village Idiot has caught a cold and so I have been unable to post due to lack of connectivity. Too bad, because there were some crackers. But there is a backlog of them coming soon.

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