Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Things I will not miss

  1. Sonny, the unnecessarily loud piss-tank across the hall.
  2. Pig-Squealer.
  3. Doors that slam instead of click gently closed.
  4. Kitchens and hallways that reverberate like echo chambers.
  5. Weeks-old crust and slime coating various cooking and dining surfaces.
  6. Industrial strength, chemical-based toxic cleaning solvents.
  7. Kidiots revving their engines, doing doughnuts and/or cranking their pointlessly loud sub-woofers in the parking lot (especially after 3:00 AM)
  8. The view of the back wall of the sports complex.
  9. Furniture designed for maximum discomfort and spinal deformity.
  10. Angry Alien Phone-Shouter.
  11. Fire alarms (false and real).
  12. Ever-changing weather (especially since I'll get plenty of that back home).
  13. The French Contingent and their late-night revels and hallway relationship dramas.
  14. Coronation Street*.
* Seriously, I will not miss an episode when I get home because I have missed every single one since arriving in the U.K., not having a television. How's that for irony? By odd coincidence, I will arrive home at approximately the same historical point in the show that it had reached when I first arrived in the U.K., thereby executing some strange sort of time travel thing. All without a Tardis.

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