It's quiet around here. Too quiet. It's very spooky, unnerving. (If you've followed this blog at all in the last little while, you'll know it's anything but quiet around here at the best of times.)
It could have something to do with the weather; it's cold (though still above zero) and grey here. Maybe everyone's just hibernating. Or given that we're a month into the new term (!) everyone's hitting the books. Either way it's snowing lightly -- big, wet flakes -- but it's not clear if it really wants to rain or snow. Much of what we had yesterday (see photos below) has already melted, but then it froze overnight, so most pathways are icy and bumpy, not easily navigated. Maybe that's why it's so calm out there: no one wants to venture outside.
In this regard London reminds me very much of Vancouver in the winter time. When it snows with any significant accumulation (i.e. over 2-3cm), as it does on rare occasions, the whole city freaks out. No one seems prepared for it. Few drivers have winter tires; few homes or businesses have shovels, salt, sand or other snow removal gear. The transit system can't cope and trains run slowly if service isn't completely disrupted. Chaos ensues.
Here's what we woke up to yesterday:

Actually it was kind of funny seeing the wonder and amazement on their faces. Naturally, snowball fights erupted everywhere and the snow was perfectly suited for making snowmen. I should have taken more shots of the fields of Northwick Park -- they so were filled with figures it looked like a standing army dressed in winter camouflage. One group of enterprising youngsters rolled a massive ball right up to the portal leading to the underground station, nearly sealing it right off.
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