Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy birthday Danika!

Rude awakenings: N/A*
Internet connectivity: Yesterday: None whatsoever. Today: slow.
Days to departure: 43.

* This doesn't mean sleep was not lost. Au contraire, it simply meant that I stayed up long enough so that the noisemaking died down enough to allow me to sleep. Thursday night wasn't too bad (it mellowed out around 1:15 or so) but last night was much later, around 2:00. It was a Friday night 'n' all, and I'd had a long, productive day (working until about 1:00) and it was hard to be upset because some of the louder ones were the very same people who bought me a cake earlier in the evening to help me celebrate the 4th (!!!) anniversary of my wedding to Danika (in absentia).

Still, I was very tired. So I put on the headphones and listened to soothing music on my iPod until the noise abated. But that meant rousing myself from a near-slumber to remove the 'phones around 3:00, so my sleep was somewhat disrupted.

But a day like today makes it hard to remain bent out of shape for long. It's gorgeous. Sunny. Warm, springlike. I'm going for a walk soon, while it's still light out.

Got an e-mail from Tony Wilson today. This is extremely exciting -- imagine getting an e-mail from one of your most-cherished role models (and you know how inured I am to celebrity) -- although I wish it were under happier circumstances. We wish you a speedy recovery, Tony.

Next, the proverbial cat is out of the bag and henceforth I'll have to watch what I write. Sarah (a/k/a Stripey Amoeba, or L'Aurora) is a friend and fellow journalism student of one of my flatmates, Kate. She also happens to have a blog. She found out about mine -- more specifically, that I've been using it to keep a meticulous record of the way things are around here lately -- and she has indicated that it might make useful source material for an expose on the (mis)management of Harrow halls. I'll consider myself warned. And I'll have to remove those things I said about Kate (just kidding).

Oh, and happy belated anniversary too baby!!! xoxoxoxox

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