What makes it all the more interesting that the broadcast consortium airing the Canadian federal election debates -- the English networks being CBC, CTV & Global who, by the way, make their fat private profits from the very public airwaves -- are signaling that once again they do not intend to allow the Green Party to participate in the next federal leaders' debates. And an election could be called at any time.
This wouldn't be nearly as galling if they had a set precedent or at least a consistent policy of "no seats = no screen time." That was the excuse they tried to use last time. As usual, the broadcasters didn't do their homework; in 1993 the Bloc Quebecois was invited to the debates, despite having zero seats in parliament -- and despite running only 72 candidates in Quebec alone. This, of course, is in contrast to the full slate of 308 candidates run coast-to-coast by the Green Party in the last two federal elections. On that score alone this arbitrary decision by the broadcasters is utterly indefensible.
So I need to ask you to take 30 seconds (or, if you're really ambitious, maybe a few minutes) to make our broadcasters more accountable and, dare I say it, more democratic. You don't have to be a Green Party supporter; you just have to believe in fairness and democracy to sign an online petition to ensure the Green Party's voice is heard in the next federal election leaders' debates. (As you've probably heard, environmental lawyer Elizabeth May -- from Cape Breton! -- is the new GPC leader. She's as smart as she is funny, or the other way 'round, so she'll make mince meat out of Stephen "Humorless" Harper, Smilin' Jack Layton and... oh yeah, Stephane Dion. I keep forgetting. But maybe that's why they're afraid to have her on?)
If for no other reason, you should be pissed that Canadian tax dollars partially fund the GPC (and other parties) after each election and therefore the broadcasters are denying you, as a taxpayer, the right to hear what the GPC has to say.
If this strikes you as being eminently reasonable, please take 30 seconds (or less!) and sign the online petition at:
If you feel really energetic, write a (polite but firm) e-mail or letter to the editor of your local newspaper asking those very same questions. (If fact, feel free to copy this post & paste it into a new email or Word, document, editing and/or adding your particulars as required.)
Okay, here's that story I was telling you about:
Climate concerns now top security and health
Globe and Mail Update
OTTAWA — Anxiety about environmental change has climbed so quickly within Canadians' consciousness that it now overwhelms terrorism, crime and health care as society's greatest threat, says a poll that kicks off a major Globe and Mail examination of the issue.
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