Friday, January 12, 2007

Digital Village Idiot turns up the "suck" button again

Just a quick post to warn you that things may get drastically slower from here on in as I once again begin to wrestle with the Internet Lack of Service Provider known as Digital Village Idiot, a Catalyst (mis)Management Product (or so they are foolish enough to proclaim -- but if I were them I'd run a mile and never, ever admit to being in any way related to such a shoddy, lame-ass, sub-par operation).

The shame of it is I actually had a semblance of throughput in the days just prior to and immediately after the Xmas break, and had almost forgotten my previous trials and tribulations -- enough to almost forgive DigEvil. But I guess their hamsters still can't run fast enough in their little wheels to provide sufficient power for more than three or four residents at a time.

Bollocking fucktards.

Anway, I'm off to bed. Even if I manage to sleep tonight you may not get the rest of the photos for a while, at least until I can get to the library... which I'm guessing has suddenly become strangely popular with Halls residents. Good freaking night. Sigh.

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