This past week I have read no fewer than 9 books. That's more than one a day. Even more, if you count the ones I just skimmed through -- and it's only the second full week of the term. My head is getting so fat I can barely fit it through the door, although it may just look that way because of the new haircut. (The profile photo was taken months ago.)
In a not unrelated matter, because my mind is racing faster than a hyperactive six-year-old on a steady diet of Red Bull, grande double shot espresso and Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, what follows may or may not have any remote semblance of order or logic. So if you can't stay with the tour, skip straight to the new batch of vacation photos down below. I'm still posting them a few at a time because two days ago while I was uploading the last lot, Digital Village Idiot randomly booted me off again, and that's another half hour of my life I'll never get back.
Do yourself a favour: read this story from The Independent, then try to explain to your kids or your sister's kids, or your neighbour's kids (you get the idea) that the reason they'll grow up to wander aimlessly in search of sustenance and potable water across a post-apocalyptic wasteland is because our generation was too fucking lazy to walk to the corner store or vote for somebody with two brain cells to rub together:
Europe, the richest and most fertile continent and the model for the modern world, will be devastated by climate change, says the EU
The ecosystems that have underpinned all European societies from Ancient Greece and Rome to present-day Britain and France, and which helped European civilisation gain global pre-eminence, will be disabled by remorselessly rising temperatures, EU scientists forecast in a remarkable report which is as ominous as it is detailed.
Oh, and hey, have a nice day.
* * *
On the other hand, I went to my first yoga class of the new year today. It's pranayama yoga, in case you're curious, and for a low-impact, slow-moving... er, posing with lots of resting and lying down in between, it's a serious workout. Needless to say I'm proud of myself, also because I'm back into my running program now.
I submitted a draft of my thesis proposal yesterday. Actually it was one of three proposals that I wrote up, because I wasn't quite sure which one to do. That's the good news. The bad news is I'm even less sure now, and have since come up with another half-dozen ideas... in addition to the two pages' worth of notes and ideas for my final project that I've been kicking around for months. Sometimes being both a Sagittarian and an ENFP is no picnic.
* * *
Come back, Postmodern Sass. All is forgiven. We miss you. Although we've been getting our fair share of Dooce in your absence.
Note to Bill: you're not the only AOL user to whom I send messages that keep getting mugged in cyberspace. I think AOL just hates me. Which is fine because I'm not too fond of it either.
Oh shit! Speaking of library books, I have a pile I need to take back RIGHT NOW. Westminster has an unusual -- and, may I say, highly effective -- penalty system whereby for every day a student is late returning a book, his/her next borrowing privileges are suspended for a day. And I've got to feed my habit, dammit.
Therefore I was wrong about the photos. So sue me.
1 comment:
Sorry, I was distracted in the homeland for ten days. Not to put too fine a point on it, but hickeys were involved. And a great deal of drinking and karaokeing. Not to mention days spent installing new curtain rods in my condo. But now I'm back in California, ready to thrill my readers with tales of my latest exploits. To wit, attempting to purchase a new vacuum cleaner.
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